Friday, March 23, 2007

Grandma Ellison

There'll be no sorrow there. No more burdens to bear.
No more sickness no more pain. No more parting over there.
And forever I will be with the One who died for me.
What a day, glorious day that will be.

She wasn't really 'our' grandma, but she claimed us all. The first time I met her--July 22, 2001, she let me know, "I am the church grandma, and you can call me grandma." Every year she never failed to send each of my 3 kids a card on their birthday complete with a $5 bill. We all recognized what a sacrifice that was on a limited social security income, and this past year, Bethani returned the favor to grandma on her birthday with her own $5 bill.

She was our biggest fan. It didn't matter how things were going. Even when it seemed the world was against us, she would tell us, "You are the best pastor. I love you." She was a pastor's dream. She believed the best about people. Always the encourager and as faithful as the day is long. When the church doors were open, she was there.

She loved the ladies of our church, and whatever we were doing, she wanted to be right in the middle of it. None of the ladies that went with us to my mom's house for a 'pampered ladies weekend' will ever forget the 'Suzuki' incident where Susan Smith and I rescued grandma from drowning in the jacuzzi. :) She loved to have fun.

There never lived a more genuine christian lady. She is with Jesus now. At last she has made it to that place that she so often sang and dreamed of. She has been rewarded with all of heaven's best now that she is safely in the arms of her master.

Richmond will not be the same without her. I will miss her terribly. Thank you grandma, for living such a godly example. We will see you again--what a day that will be.

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