Women are like tea bags, they don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water. -Eleanor Roosevelt
Why Tea?
Somehow taking tea together encourages an atmosphere of intimacy when you slip off the timepiece in your mind and cast your fate to a delight of tasty tea, tiny foods, and thoughtful conversation.
-Gail Greco
We are a homeschool family of 5 endeavoring to bear good fruit for Christ. Tiffani is our 17 year old bookworm. Jeremi is our 15 year old SALT leader. Bethani,(affectionately dubbed the 'Blueberry'), is our 10 year old social butterfly. They are all Bible quizzers, and they are all winners. Raising this fruit is our God-called mission in life.
Well, you were in and out of my "blog circle" pretty quickly! You still might be found you know... :) you were linked for several hours you know! Whether you blog, or don't blog, link or don't link, read, or don't read, our friendship is like no other. The inside jokes, the secret glances, the understanding that only the years of intense closeness can bring, we are "sister-friends" and "tied together" in Jesus. No matter what the future holds, the past can not be rewritten, and I love you, like a sister and as a best friend.
Hi! Welcome to blog world - although you have been here for a while! (I just didn't know it! :)
I appreciate your friendship. And look forward to what God has in store for us in 2007. I love you.
Well, you were in and out of my "blog circle" pretty quickly! You still might be found you know... :) you were linked for several hours you know! Whether you blog, or don't blog, link or don't link, read, or don't read, our friendship is like no other. The inside jokes, the secret glances, the understanding that only the years of intense closeness can bring, we are "sister-friends" and "tied together" in Jesus. No matter what the future holds, the past can not be rewritten, and I love you, like a sister and as a best friend.
This really touched me. What a beautiful friendship. Never lose the special bond you have with each other. It is certainly priceless.
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